Monday, December 21, 2015

Passion (E.C. Blog)

Throughout my life I have always been passionate about sports. Ever since I can remember I have been active in at least one sport at. The first team I was actually on was a soccer team for a Sioux Falls league when I was around the age of five. I continued to play soccer every year for the Sioux Falls league until the eighth grade when I had to move from Hartford up to Langford. I had to stop playing because there isn’t a team up here for me to join that won’t interfere with my school related sports. I loved to run up and down the soccer field scoring goals and working with my team mates to get better. A couple of years we were really good and I still have my trophy and metals from when I played.

Not long after I started soccer I was finally old enough to start basketball and baseball. Part of the reason I’m so passionate about sports is because while growing up I got to play them with my brothers. My mom and dad also played a huge role in my sports as a kid. My dad coached my older brother and I for a couple of years when we played baseball as kids, and my mom coached us in basketball for multiple years.

Another sport that I got into early was football. I started playing when I was in the third grade for a Sioux Falls league with kids from my school. I did that until I was able to play for our schools middle school team in Hartford, and now I just finished my senior year of playing the game. I’m sad that it’s over, but I couldn’t have asked for a better way to end it.

Throughout my years I have also done track and swimming. I’ll just tell you now that swimming makes track seem easy. I was only out for swimming for one year. I enjoyed getting to try it and having experienced what it’s like but it is not my sport.

I started track in eighth grade, after I moved to Langford, having to do whatever events the coach wanted me to do just to fill in events. Throughout my years of track I personally find myself liking track practice better than track meets. I don’t know why that is but it just seems like I do better and run faster at practice than when I’m at a meet actually racing.

The main reasons I am passionate about sports are all the memories and the fun times you have along the way meeting new people and getting to play with those you know. I also really enjoy being active and being able to be a part of a team.



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