Friday, April 15, 2016

Flat Tax or Flat Tire

           As of now the United States uses a progressive income tax meaning that the higher incomes get taxed at higher percentages than lower incomes. It has always been this way but throughout time it seems to be becoming less and less popular to the American citizens. According to a debate on the subject, the American citizens are siding more with a flat tax with a 66 percent lead leaving the progressive tax with 34 percent. A flat tax is a tax where everyone is equal. It would make all people pay the same percentage taxes no matter if you make 100,000 dollars or 1,000 dollars. The people that want this think that it’s only fair to have the same percentages across the board, otherwise the wealthy pay less and less percent the more they make.

I think that we should stick with the progressive tax because the people who make that much money work hard to get it. Not saying that the people who make less money don’t work hard it’s just the way things are. There has to be someone to work all jobs even if there is a downside to them. I also believe that we should stick with the progressive tax because it’s the way it has been and for the most part I think it is doing ok. It makes the tax percentage different for people depending on their income. This allows the people who don’t make a lot of money not have to pay the same as those who make a lot of money. I personally would go with progressive tax considering the fact that it allows the people that don’t make as much money not to have to pay a lot of tax, but I also see why a wealthy person with a lot of money would want a flat tax so that they are treated the same as others when it comes to what percentage of their money they have to just give away.

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