Friday, September 11, 2015

Macro & Micro

It is amazing to think that there is a bigger picture besides just your life and the way that you think. Everyone, whether you know it or not, in this world is a part of a bigger picture that a single person is just a fraction in. Like in the lifeboat situation, in order for some of the people to live others had to die. No one wanted to be left behind to die, but it was something bigger than them that they didn’t really have a choice. In my own life I am a part of a bunch of different things that require more than just me like school, sports, church, 4H,  boy scouts, and so on so forth. These things can affect me and the people around me by my actions and how those things shape my life as a whole. This brings up the microsociological part of things. Just as there is a bigger part, there is also a smaller part. 
Some of the decisions that we make as people can influence our lives in more ways than we think sometimes. Like if a student in school decides that he or she doesn’t want to do their homework then gets a zero. Then that zero brings down their grade which brings down his or her GPA. Then they don’t get into the college that they wanted to go to which could affect the job you get. All because a the student didn’t want to do some homework.

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